Ooty – Day 2
March 27, 2015 By sastha

My Circadian rhythm is still set to the plains, woke up at 5:30 and it was quite dark outside. Waited for some light and then went for a walk.

Morning Light
Morning Light

Taking the Hill Bunk road, crossing the Taj Savoy Hotel towards Tamizhagam is a good morning walk route. It is one of somewhat preserved area in the town and relatively quiet area. Lots of sparrows were chirping about, some mynas going about the noisy ways, a couple of Spotted Dove and some crows squabbling.

Pied Bushchat , Ooty
Pied Bushchat , Ooty

I walked up to Tamizhagam and took a diversion down to Mysore road. I could find some Bushchats, Bulbuls, and more sparrows (Ooty is a haven for sparrows). Returned back to my room in the homestay and was quite refreshed from the walk.

I fixed up with a schoolmate who runs a homestay, a small cut flower business, and a part time guide, PR Ramesh, to add some new homestays to realindia.in and he took me to a place called Theetukkal, which is a rural area about 5 km away from the town.

Theetukal, Ooty
Theetukal, Ooty

When I used to live here it was a laidback village with lots of agriculture and eucalyptus trees.

Theetukkal, Ooty
Theetukkal, Ooty

Now, it has undergone a radical change, lots of villas, cottages, buildings, and less of agriculture.

Theetukkal, Ooty
Theetukkal, Ooty

We went to three homestays and they were glad to list in realindia.in.

We took a break and had lunch in a small restaurant and the food was delicious, the best I had since coming Ooty. We met a couple of more homestay owners and came back to the town.

St. Stephen's Church, Ooty.
St. Stephen’s Church, Ooty.

I was beat from all the walking. Reached the room at around 6:30 and after an early dinner, called it a day.